Darlington County Economic Development
The Darlington County Economic Development Partnership (DCEDP) was established to further strengthen the economy of Darlington County by developing existing businesses and attracting new businesses to the area.
To accomplish these objectives, the Partnership actively engages in industrial development, community involvement and public relations. The most visible work the Partnership conducts is the recruitment of industry to increase investment and create jobs within the county.
Darlington County manufactures steel, food products, paper products, heavy commercial and industrial construction, fiberglass swimming pools, and much more
Between the fast growing industrial community, our municipal leaders, and the Greater Darlington Chamber of Commerce this area is a prime location to start a new business, purchase an existing business, or pass a family business down to the next generation. Darlington, Lamar, and Society Hill are fast becoming locations of choice for businesses to open their locations in small town USA where the people are welcoming and the cost of living is less expensive than larger cities. The Pee Dee Region is filled with eager workers and a bright future and we anticipate greatness.